ChiaTon Corporation is a professional milkfish manufacturer that was founded in
ChiaTon Corporation has complete refrigeration equipment which is capable of rapid refrigeration as low as 40 degrees below zero to freeze milkfish and store them in 20 degrees below zero storage environment.
In March 2007, ChiaTon Corporation has become the first milkfish manufacturer certified by HACCP, which guarantees the quality and safety of our milkfish products. Now, ChiaTon Corporation is taking a step forward to the variety of milkfish products.
We now develop more products for you to choose, such as canned milkfish, milkfish floss, milkfish stock, milkfish dumpling, milkfish steamed soup bun, milkfish collagen powder and drink. We also set up another line of roasted fish products, including roasted eel, roasted Pacific Saury, roasted milkfish and roasted sea bream.
本公司於民國87年8月成立,設立工廠於台南縣學甲鎮,為虱目魚之專業處理廠;處理流程中魚體皆為低溫之狀態,以維持成品之鮮度。並有完整之冷凍設備,能以零下40度之低溫快速凍結成品,並於零下20度的環境下貯藏。本公司並於民國96年3月時通過HACCP國際認証,為全台第一家通過HACCP國認証之虱目魚工廠,品質有保障。 近來更往二次加工之部份發展,現有之產品己有,虱目魚罐頭,虱目魚鬆及虱目魚精力湯、虱目魚水餃湯包、虱目魚魚鱗膠原蛋白、虱目魚膠原活力飲等產品,另外更增設蒲燒加工廠,現有產品有蒲燒鰻魚、蒲燒秋刀魚、蒲燒虱目魚肚、蒲燒鯛魚腹肉…等等。

本公司為化妝品原料, 化工生化美容食品原料進出口及零售商 三角貿易